The D of "Diverse"

Diversity, something that is there and will never vanish. In the part about the A of "accepting", we talked about how people are puzzles with a lot of unique pieces. This is diversity in a nutshell.

We have so many aspects that make us who we are. Some can change, others can't. The most obvious one in the fetish and lgbtq+ scene is gender. But we can't forget about your sex, age, body type, body size, place you live, your income, your social status, your clothing style and so much more. Also your mental state, your physical health, it's all part of the puzzle that makes you, you.

Unfortunately we notice diversity is often seen as a threat instead of a treasure. With WAF DIS, we value this diversity and take every chance we can to highlight different voices and stimulate conversations about being different.

By having open and positive conversations, we can help lower the power of prejudices and create an environment where people dare to talk about sensitive subjects as sexuality, mental health, gender, origins, exclusion...