The I of "Inclusive"

Inclusivity builds on diversity. Diversity is there, no matter what. Inclusivity is a way on dealing with it. In this vision, we think of ways to avoid people being left out based on their identity aspects.

The best example to explain: At public buildings we have both stairs and a ramp. When it would snow heavily, many would still first clean the stairs, thinking they help out most people. But if they would clean the ramp first, everyone would be able to go in no matter of their ability or disability.

With inclusion you think of any boundary possible for anyone and try to avoid as many as possible. Full inclusion would mean no one would have any boundary. This is unfortunately impossible, but we can strive for it as much as we are capable to do so.

Specific to WAF DIS, this means we make sure our events and resources are available, affortable and  reachable for as many people as possible. We work on a network of autorities specifically ment for our audience, centralizing the amount of information and partners who can assist you.

Next to that we strive with the previous letters of WAF DIS to achieve an open and supportive atmosphere that makes everyone feel like comming home.

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